Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kicking it off (for real)

Well, Vic started this blog in May and we have both sat on it until now. My brother's blog from his trip to Italy has forced my hand. I will try to update weekly with a blurb about our week's adventure's (there is always one) and a couple of pictures. Since the last post we have finished a school year, been back to the US (Vic and the kids were there for two months), seen Niteroi (there was a nice building), and spent several nice weekends with my dad while he has been here for his monthly work trip.
Museu do Arte Contemporaneao (Niteroi)

These last couple of weeks have really featured several interesting animal encounters. We woke up on a rainy Saturday two weeks ago to a horrible raucous in the street. When we got out there, we discovered that there were two parrots on the roof of the neighbors house. The sound they were making made us think Walker had gotten out of the yard and was terrorizing the street chickens (yes, we have street chickens). Parrots are just that loud. The one seemed to be exploring the chimney as a nesting spot. I had not considered why one would need a chimney in Rio until I typed the word, but there you go.

Parrot's on neighbor's roof

The second animal encounter featured several ROUS's (Princess Bride reference here). Vic and Sawyer were picking Ansley and a friend up from school, when they noticed a pod of 10-15 capybara's grazing peacefully next to the road. Vic of course stopped to take a series of pictures that I found impressive, but, I am certain, the locals thought were the work of one more crazy expat.


1 comment:

Italiang8r said...

They have fire swamps in Brazil? So you made it past the ROUSs, now just figure out how to get past the fire spurts and the lightning sand and you are home free. Nice blog, keep it up, talk to you later.